Thursday, January 25, 2007

Please copy and paste this as necessary

To Democratic readers: Are you tired of this bullshit Republican formulation? And are you tired of their pedantic excuses for using it? Then shut them up. Post this whenever and wherever you see it used, copy any variation of the text or just drop a link, doesn't matter to me. If there are no comments, send an email. If they're a talk show host, ask them on the air. If they're a politician, call their office. If you see it in a clip on Jack Cafferty's show, email Jack about it. If Cal Thomas or David Brooks slips it into a column, write a letter to the editor. You get the picture. George Bush's favorite insult will no longer go unchallenged.

To Republican readers:

Please answer the following.

As a thought experiment, let's say you lived next door to a Jewish day care center and you were bothered by it, not because you are anti-semitic, but because it's noisy and smells bad. Would you go around saying things like "I'm really getting sick of this Jew day care center"?

Furthermore, in your everyday parlance, do you frequently use terms like "that Jew lawyer" or "the Jew fraternity" or "a Jew holiday"?

Why or why not?

All are free to leave their thoughts in the comments.